Thursday, March 22, 2012

Don't flirt with me - I'm workin' out!

When do you feel the sexiest?  Possibly when you're wearing a cute little black dress with strappy heels?  Or riding a bull at the western bar?  Maybe just waiting for the bus, turning your head so that the slight breeze blows your hair like you're in a shampoo commercial.  But not at the gym...unless you're already in shape, which I am not.

But there I was, stepping off my elliptical after 20 minutes and wiping the sweat off my forehead, uppper lip, everything! My face looked like a 3-day long sunburn was pasted on it, and my mouth was hanging half-way open.  Oh baby. Oh baby.  I grabbed my water bottle to head over to the weights when the guy who was on the  elliptical next to me told me he liked my shirt.  What?  Did I hear that right?  And he said, yeah, that the shirt looked really good on me.  He stopped and leaned closer to read what it said....

The logo on my shirt - just not as dirty!

"Average Joe gym, huh?  Well, you're anything but average!" I smiled and said thanks, and promptly turned to get over to the weights as soon as possible!  Why would he be hitting on me at a time like this, with a shirt like that, AND a ring on my hand!?  There's definitely something that he's seeing that is absent when I look in the mirror.

I head over to the weights and start on the one at the end that works your triceps when you push the handles forward (example below).  I'm on my last rep of 10 when sweaty creeper guy comes over to the machine next to me and starts to tell me how I'm wasting my time going from one machine to the next when I could just focus on the machine that he's on.  I let him know that I'm fine doing my machine migration, but he insists that once I try his machine, I'll be hooked.  He even offered to show me how to do the exercises! 

Apparently this machine has sex appeal.

I finally pry myself away from the conversation and keep going down the row of weight machines, farther and farther from the wanna-be-boyfriend.  I end up only doing a few machines before being ready to go home.  It threw off my groove for the night, and I couldn't get back into "the zone" of working out.

My husband found the whole thing pretty amusing, and said that I held my own fairly well.  I know that I should find it flattering, but instead I was annoyed the whole time.  The gym is my zen place of sorts, and I don't like distractions.  I get home from work after 10 hours and all I want to do is focus on my body and how far I can push it.  I don't want to worry about keeping advances at bay.  Plus, there's the sexy factor.  There isn't one, and if I don't feel sexy while I'm doing an activity, any sort of attempted flirting is baffling to me!

I hope that he got the hint that I'm not interested and I don't have to play keep-away at the gym tonight!  But, I will give him props for giving it a try.  Maybe the next chic that he says hi to will be a little more receptive that I was.


  1. Hmmmmmmmm... guess I should retire my fav pickup line: "If I told you that you have a beautiful body, would you share your workout routine with me?"

    1. Heck no, don't retire that one - it's a gem! And if I had a couple drinks in me, it might actually work! :)

  2. I love this! I feel the exact same way. Guys who stare or trythe to flirt just make me mad lol i hate the distraction from my workout. But i totaly dislike that u said he sees something youre missing. Not being at your ideal weight or even being sweaty doesnt make u any less attractive. Uve got alot to offer n ur hubby is a lucky guy. Don't sell yourself short cuz ur not a size 2 n all dolled up. Xo

    1. Aw, thanks - this really made me smile! I guess I should have amended that to say that I feel my LEAST attractive while I'm at the gym sweating and huffing away. When I look at the mirror in the locker room, sexy thoughts just never cross my mind!
      But working out and slowly making progress has done wonders for my self esteem, as do comments like yours - thanks again!

  3. At least now I realize why I do not go to the gym anymore, all those staring eyes and pick-up lines. I am sick of it. Now leave me alone, I'm off today.

    1. I think that for some, the staring eyes and pick up lines might be THE reason to go to the gym, haha! But I'm glad that you found an alternative to the gym - enjoy your day off ;)
