Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where'd the Wagon Go?

I haven't posted in a while because to be honest, I want to preach what I practice, and this last week I've been far from a saint. I started making excuses to not eat healthy...and they kept growing and growing!  Here are my top 3 excuses and the reasons I felt justified in breaking away from my diet:

1. A Going Away Party - I wouldn't see my friend for 3 months as he traveled for work, and since we took him out to a nice restaurant, I decided to get what everyone was raving about - the baked mac and cheese, topping over 1,000 calories...  I don't go out to fancy places much, so I wanted to treat myself (and I admit, peer pressure played a part...sigh).

2. Eating Dinner at the Mall Food Court - My hubby and I had just bought a couple new games. We knew that the rest of the night we'd be glued to our controllers and wouldn't take the time to make dinner, so we decided to eat at the mall. While looking at a BBQ place, McDonalds, Sbarro, etc, we went with Panda Express and ordered the steamed rice...but we cancelled out that healthy choice with the other options they offered...and that meal went over 1,000 calories as well.

3. Ordering Buttered Popcorn at the Movies - I only see movies in the theatre about 3-4 times a year at best, so I once again gave in to peer-pressure and ate a medium buttered popcorn while watching the Hunger Games.

So those are my three biggest sins for this past week.  These all tied in to not working out as well.  I didn't make the time to go to the gym on those days, especially since I was feeling stuffed and just wanted to chill on the couch instead. 

I'm surprised looking back to notice how past actions can have a domino effect.  It's easy to keep going down that familiar road, and keep stacking up the bad habits...and live with the consequences of weight gain and poor health.  But instead, I'm starting again today, full force!  I had my Fiber Once cereal for breakfast, and 0% fat Greek yogurt and granola for a mid-morning snack.  I have a spinach, mushroom and carrot salad packed for lunch with raspberry vinaigrette, and I think for dinner I'll do a grilled chicken breast on the George Foreman grill with some steamed broccoli and a glass of ovaltine for dessert.  I'll get back on the wagon that I fell off of, and stay on it this time around!


  1. It's definitely a domino effect so it's important to recognize the downward spiral early on to reverse it!

    Best of luck with your goals!

    1. Thanks! I hope I'm able to take notice earlier on before this happens again to me:)
