Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've got 99 problems...

Maybe instead of saying problems, I should label them excuses.  99 excuses to not go to the gym, not eat veggies for a snack, not go for a walk during lunch...on and on.  And I would argue that most of my excuses are valid.  They don't consist of TV-watching, video-game-playing silliness.  The excuses I find are the valid kind, of having to work through lunch, or needing to write a blog post (thanks social media!).  

Crunches can wait - it's blogging time!

But are these excuses worth it?  I was planning on doing a side-by-side comparison or some sort of graphic to show the instances that choosing an excuse over health is more beneficial.  But the same result would come up in every situation.  The excuse was always worth it for instant gratification and satisfaction.  But when I looked any long term goals, including living past my 60's with minimal health issues, no excuse could compare.  I am planning for my future with a 401K, but that won't do me any good if I have multiple heart attacks before age 65 like my father-in-law.  I need to plan for a long, healthy life today and stop procrastinating.

So, it's time for a new list of rules for myself:
- I have to track every thing I eat in My Fitness Pal - no skipping because I know I ate a bad meal!
- I am not allowed to write a new blog post until after I've already worked out for the day - I cannot use this as an excuse to skip the gym!
- If I'm busy at work, then I will take at least 15 minutes in the afternoon to go for a quick walk - this also will help me de-stress to make it through the rest of the day!
- I will go grocery shopping for fresh fruits, veggies and lunch items once a week - this means I prepare my lunch at home and won't spend extra money (and calories!) eating out during the week!

That's a good start - once those rules become habits, then I can add some additional ones.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great start for a set of rules. When you master them and they become second nature, the next set will be easier to set and easier to achieve. I envy you, your determination and willingness to change your life.
