Monday, February 27, 2012

Resisting temptation

Remember how I mentioned a couple posts ago that I had given up my dearly beloved queso for lent?  Well, today was my first major temptation, and I'm proud to say that I passed!  My co-workers that sit in the desks next to mine came back after lunch with a large cup of queso and chips EACH.  They politely told me that they didn't invite me since they knew I gave it up, then started popping cheesy nacho style chips into their mouths!  I was devastated!  I knew I could resist the urge to actually go and buy some myself, but to be literally surrounded by melted cheese was almost too much to take! 
But then I thought about this situation.  I was able to view someone eating queso from an outside point of view.  For example, one of the girls who was chowing down claims to currently be on a Slim Fast diet - which means she is supposed to drink a Slim Fast shake for two of her meals each day.  It's not that I'm judging her, but I realized how hypocritical it was of me to talk about my motivations to become healthy and fit, yet give in and enjoy something so fattening.  I definitely wasn't credible when I did that, and more importantly I wasn't a motivation for others to be healthy either!  Listening to the crunching of the chips was something of an eye opener for me.  I have to practice what I preach in order to make a difference not only in my life, but in other lives as well.
After about 30 minutes and an empty bowl of queso, the Slim Fast girl turned to me and said, "If it makes you feel better, I can feel the cellulite expanding on my legs after eating that!"  Well, even though that was TMI, I do hope that she feels a tinge of regret so that she doesn't indulge in a LARGE (that's at least 12 ounces, people) queso bowl again...and I'm thankful that I witnessed something that woke me up to my own bad habits.

See what a large bowl of queso can do to you?

1 comment:

  1. How great is that, sticking to your ideals and resisting the queso your co-workers brought back. I have a hard time with my PB&J sandwiches, so I changed to oatmeal. However, I am finding all those lost pounds of yours, thank you very much.
